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Community Partners
Thank You

Community Partners

Collaborating with Partners

Our work would not be possible without our community partners. Thank you to the following organizations, funders, and donors who are essential to making the Labor Center thrive:

AFL-CIO Solidarity Center
AFSCME United Domestic Workers
AFT 1521
Aliento Education Fund
Amalgamated Transit Union
American Federation of Teachers
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance – Los Angeles Chapter
Black Alliance for Justice Immigration
Building Skills Partnership
Buy Your Values
California Building Trades Council
California Coalition for Worker Power
California Domestic Workers Coalition
California Federation of Teachers
California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative
California Immigrant Policy Center
California Labor Commissioner’s Office
California Labor Federation
California Teachers Association
California Transit Works
California Workforce Development Board
Center for Immigration Law and Policy
Center for Policy Initiatives
Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño
Centro de Entrenamiento y Liderazgo Para Trabajadores
Child Care Providers United
Chinese Progressive Association
City University of New York (CUNY) Undocumented and Immigrant Student Programs
CLEAN Carwash Worker Center
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights
College Track
Comite Obrero Fronterizo-CFO
Community Power Collective
Democracy at Works Institute (Brooklyn NY)
Earthlodge Center for Transformation
Echo Park Immigration Center
Garment Worker Center Gender Justice LA
Gig Workers United Equality CA Empowering API First Gen Empower FREE ALAS
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees
Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network
Hospitality Training Academy IATSE Local B192
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Inclusive Action for the City
Inland Empire Black Worker Center
Institute of Popular Education of Southern California
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 11
International Longshore & Warehouse Union
John Jay Immigrant Student Success Center
Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance
LA-Orange County Building & Construction Trades Council
Labor Commissioner’s Office
Liga Obrera Mexicana Malikah
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
Los Angeles Black Worker Center
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor
Los Angeles Worker Center Network
Maintenance Cooperation Trust Fund
Miguel Contreras Foundation
Mixteco Indigena Community Organizing Project
National Domestic Workers Alliance
National Employment Law Project
National Skills Coalition Neighborhood Ministries Nuestras Manos
Orange County
Organized Power in Numbers
Organizing Rooted in Abolition Liberation and Empowerment
Pacific Gateway
Pilipino Worker Center
PowerSwitch Action
Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration
Public Law Center
Restaurant Opportunities Center of Los Angeles
Rideshare Drivers United
San Diego Black Worker Center
San Diego Imperial County Labor Council
SEIU 2015
SEIU 721
SEIU Locals 99 SEIU UHW-West
SEIU United Service Workers West
Silicon Valley De-Bug SEIU California
SINACTRAHO Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Hogar
Somos Familia Valle
Southern California Association for Non- Profit Housing
Southern California Black Worker Hub
Southern California Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health
Starbucks Workers Union
The Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund
Trabajadores Unidos/ Workers United
Undocumented Student Network
Unión Nacional de Trabajadores por Aplicación
United Auto Workers
United Farm Workers
United Food and Commercial Workers #770
United Food and Commercial Workers Western States Council
United for Respect
United Nurses Association of California
United Steelworkers
United Teachers Los Angeles
United We Dream
USC Equity Research Institute
Warehouse Workers Resource Center
Woori Juntos
Worker Education & Resource Center
Young Worker Education Project

Thank you to all the fiscal year 2024 Labor Center supporters, and a special thanks to funders listed below who supported at the $1,000 or more level.

AAPI Equity Alliance
American Center for International Labor Solidarity
California Department of Cannabis Control
California Community Foundation
California Department of Industrial Relations
California Labor Federation
California Workforce Development Board
Cathay Bank Foundation
Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement
Dubchansky Family Foundation
ECMC Foundation
Ford Family Foundation
James Irvine Foundation
Kellogg Foundation
New America
New World Foundation
Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation
Rosenberg Foundation
The California Endowment
The California Wellness Foundation
Weingart Foundation

Support Our Work

For more than 60 years, the UCLA Labor Center has advanced quality employment and education for all. With a history of fostering innovative collaborations between students, faculty, workers and community partners anchored in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, our approach to research justice, leadership development and narrative change promotes worker justice, racial and economic equity, global labor solidarity and immigrant rights. We accomplish our work in direct partnership with our community and supporters.

Ways to Give