Dream Summer Alumni Spotlight
#DSAlumni Hareth Andrade
Hareth Andrade is a fearless immigrant rights activist and poet fighting against the mass deportation and separation of families. In 2012, Hareth launched a national campaign to stop the deportation of her father, collecting more than 5,000 signatures in support of her efforts. She is the founder of the student organization, Dreamers of Virginia, and co-founder of The Dream Project, through which…. continue reading here.
SEIU Video Highlights Work of Dream Summer Alumni
Featuring #DSAlumni: Paola Tirado, Jack Suria Linares, Amy Yu, Claudia Rueda
Dream Summer, Labor Cohort, 2015
Video Highlights HealthyCA Cohort Alumni in the Arvin Community
Featuring #DSAlumni: Elvia Rios and Daniela Guerrero
Dream Summer, HealthyCA Cohort, 2015
#DSAlumni Amy Yu Leads Petition at University of California, Irvine
Amy led the petition to stop U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) from participating in the Fall Career Fair scheduled on Thursday, October 22nd at UC Irvine. The administration at UC Irvine stood by their decision to invite CBP to campus; however, CBP withdrew from the career fair because of the petition and community support. Amy’s response to LA Times article on victory: In Response to LA Times by Amy Yu
#DSAlumni Emilio Vicente Live-streams from North Carolina
On the ground in North Carolina, Emilio live-streamed a protest against House Bill 318, a bill signed into law on October 28, 2015 by Governor McCrory that prohibits the use of community IDs created for undocumented immigrants and prohibits sanctuary city ordinances. Article: McCrory signs controversial immigration bill
3 Things I Regret Not Asking From Allies and My Community As An (Un)documented and Queer Activist
By: #DSAlumni Alan Pelaez Lopez
My Health Shouldn’t Have a Price Tag — DACA Youth Turned Away from Medi-Cal
By: #DSAlumni Miguel Bibanco
How I Was Locked Out of Healthcare as a Trans Immigrant
By: #DSAlumni Julián Cancino
#DSAlumni Manuel Castro selected as new Executive Director of New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE)
#DSAlumni Yves Gomes selected for Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance’s National Executive Board, the Youngest Ever Elected and First Undocumented Person to Serve on Executive Board
#DSAlumni Lorella Praeli plays key role in Clinton campaign as Latino Outreach Director
#DSAlumni Chando Kem Highlighted in Fight to Raise Minimum Wage in the City of Long Beach & Talks Relationships and Dating Post-DACA
Raise Minimum Wage in Long Beach https://shar.es/150C9M
Relationships & Dating Post-DACA: https://shar.es/150Ytx
#DSAlumni Julio Salgado Reimagines Classic TV Shows to Include Diverse Casts
#DSAlumni Maggie and Manny on German Radio
#DSAlumni Carlos Rojas Alvarez from Massachusetts speaks on vote:
#DSAlumni Emilio Vicente from North Carolina speaks on status:
Undocumented Students in North Carolina Face Federal, Local, Financial Aid Shortage
#DSAlumni Cuahuctemoc Salinas & Madeleine Villanueva speak on undocumented student issues on UC campuses
#DSAlumni Vlad Stoicescu Ghica and other undocumented students call on UC to address unfulfilled commitments
“This summer camp just churned out 80 activists”
By: Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times
“Dream Summer program seeks to cultivate future immigrant rights leaders”
By: Free Speech Radio News