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Los Angeles Rising: A City That Works for Everyone


Los Angeles Rising: A City That Works for Everyone, a report from the Economic Roundtable, the UCLA Labor Center, and the UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment assesses the benefits and consequences of raising Los Angeles’s minimum wage to $15.25. The report finds that result will be an increase of $5.9 billion in wages with a stimulus effect for the region.

Major findings include:

  • Every dollar increase in the minimum wage results in $1.12 stimulus to the economy.
  • The region will create 46,400 new jobs, of which 24,875 will be in the City of Los Angeles.
  • State and local governments will receive $414 million in added revenue and the federal government $546 million.
  • Public assistance expenditures will be reduced by $313 million a year because higher wages will lift workers out of poverty.
  • The proposed minimum wage increase will benefit workers of color, who represent over 80 percent of affected workers. In particular, we estimate that more than half of Latino/a workers in Los Angeles will receive a pay increase.

Download the infographic and read more on Economic Roundtable’s site.

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