May Day Happenings
May Day, also known as International Workers’ Day, celebrates workers and working people across the world. In Los Angeles, for over a decade, this day has also become a day of celebration and mobilization for the immigrant community. Below you will find information about upcoming events and marches commemorating workers and immigrants in Los Angeles.
Wednesday, April 25
Workers’ Memorial Day commemoration
Location: Los Angeles City Hall (South steps)
Time: 8:30 – 10:30 am
What: Workers, advocates, organizers, students, and educators will come
together for a press conference to honor the workers who have been
injured and killed on the job, calling on our elected officials to hold
employers accountable to improving workplace standards and paying
workers dignified wages.
Tuesday, May 1
May Day Poster-Making Session
Location: UCLA Downtown Labor Center
Time: Before marches, at 10 – 11:30 am and 2 – 3:30 pm
What: The Labor and Workplace Studies Minor team will be opening up the Downtown UCLA Labor Center for poster-making on May Day. Come get your creativity on! Meet up and connect with Labor Center staff, UCLA faculty, minor students and alumni to make some posters for the May Day marches and rallies. After making a poster, join the Labor Center in participating in either/both of the marches. Space is limited. RSVP here.
Tuesday, May 1
Together We Fight Back- May Day March
Location: starting point at Pershing Square, ending point LAPD Detention Center
Time: 12 – 3 pm
What: On Tuesday, May 1st, Los Angeles will honor the contributions of immigrants, workers, and those who fight to create a more just society for all. This year, thousands of Angelenos will march together in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Harvey Milk, Dolores Huerta, and Cesar Chavez to fight for the rights of all workers and immigrant communities. Learn more about the event here.
Tuesday, May 1
Los Angeles May Day March
Location:Â Starting point at MacArthur Park, ending point LA City Hall
Time: 4 – 7 pm
What: Union del Barrio and various other community organization allies have organized a march in support of affordable housing, the legalization of street vending and the legalization of undocumented individuals. Further demands include putting an end to police brutality, deportations, and gentrification. Learn more about the event here.
Saturday, May 19
Immigrant Women: Resisting, Leading, Empowering
Location: Downtown UCLA Labor Center
Time: 9 am – 2:30 pm
What: The Dream Resource Center is proud to present a conference that celebrates and amplifies the immense leadership of immigrant women. Immigrant Women: Resisting, Leading, and Empowering will engage us in discussions with women breaking barriers and leading change across various fields, from media to politics.