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Andrea Slater
Andrea Slater currently serves as the Director of CARE at Work with the UCLA Labor Center. Her background includes applied policy research and extensive time in the political arena as a political consultant. She has been a community advocate and coalition builder in California since 2000 with a focus on issues related to inequity, increasing accessibility and voter engagement. 
Her outreach and relationship building over the years has focused on communities impacted by economic disinvestment and environmental injustices. As a former community organizer and community college instructor, her academic and community organizing experience is serving placed-based coalitions, workers in low-wage industries, and researchers and academics working to advance racial justice and increase economic equity in the region. She partners with immigrant, African-American and Latino communities on myriad campaigns that foster civic engagement, civil rights, policy education, and increase access to public services. While serving as a staff member, consultant and community advocate with organizations such as CORO, UCLA Labor Center, Common Cause, AAVREP and SEIU, she has effectively advanced the concept of “opportunity for all” with an emphasis on increasing economic and educational opportunities for marginalized groups. Her relationships are from a vast network of college educators, workforce advocates, service providers, community organizations, elected officials, and legislative staff. She has organized with various coalitions and partners on ballot measures, as well as candidate campaigns from local to presidential, focusing on organizations serving marginalized communities.

She is a graduate of UCLA with degrees in Political Science and History and holds a Master’s in Public Policy from UC, Irvine.