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UCLA Labor Center Hosts Tri-national Labor Conference Focused on Gender and Migration

Earlier this week, the UCLA Labor Center hosted “Gender, Migration, and Agricultural Supply Chains: A Tri-national Labor Response to Shifting Political Terrain,”  a two-day conference focused on issues impacting the global supply chain between Mexico, Canada, and the United States. This conference was in partnership with Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, United Steel Workers, and UE Union. The topics that were discussed included women’s rights, workplace equality, models of change, and how the labor movement can fight to halt practices of discrimination at work.

During the first night of the conference, participants also gathered at the Ricardo F. Icaza Workers Center for an event, “Workers’ Rights Under The New Presidency in Mexico,” a discussion with Mexican labor leaders which included Julia Quiñonez, of the Workers Frontier Committee, Moisés Acuña, of the Miners’ Union, Humberto Montes de Oca, of the Mexican Union of Electricians, Enrique Fabela, of the Telephone Operators Union and Carla Vázquez, of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Foundation of Mexico City. Rigoberto Valdez, Vice President of UFCW Local 770, welcomed Dr. Gaspar Rivera Salgado, of the UCLA Labor Center, who moderated the panel.

Related links:

Review full conference agenda

Media Coverage:

La Opinion: Hoy, foro laboral en Los Ángeles sobre nuevo gobierno mexicano

People’s World: Preparing the base for Mexico’s new president